Taken from bits of the site that were recoverable from archive.org. Maybe incomplete.

Now that I’ve had a chance to play with the hardware for two days, I’ve learned some interesting things. T-Mobile has a couple of grades of GPRS:

  • $4.99, outgoing internet only works with the wap.voicestream.com apn
  • $9.99, outgoing internet only works with the wap.voicestream.com apn, but now you get to check your e-mail via the t-zones feature
  • $19.99, outgoing internet only works with the internet2.voicestream.com apn, but now you can use different ports. There is a variation on this plan that uses the internet3.voicestream.com apn and gives you a public ip (the other one is nat’d).

Benchmarking the two connections over http, I managed to get about 27kbps out of the wap apn and 31kbps out of the internet2 apn at 11:30pm. I was unable to connect to ssh via apn, but I would guess that you could encapsulate any traffic you desire in http packets to use what you want on the wap apn. I get 24.5kbps out of PPTP VPN (to Texas A&M University) on top of the internet2 apn.

I also found out (by talking to tier 2 data support) that the wap apn is limited to about 10-20 Megabytes per month while the internet one isn’t.

Also, I found some interesting blogs with more information on this service:

