I saw this on the slashdot article on Skype VoIP and thought it was amusing enough to post. The context was “Seeing as how this is from the Kazaa people, are we to expect spyware in this product?” in reference to Kazaa Bundled Malware.


Nooooobody expects spyware! Our chief weapon is surprise. Surprise, and Internet Explorer exploits…

Exploits and surprise. Our two weapons are surprise and Internet Explorer exploits…and uncaring users…

Our three weapons are surprise, IE exploits, and uncaring users… and an almost fanatical devotion to an annoyance-marketing based business model. Our four… no… Amongst our weapons… Amongst our weaponry, are such elements as surprise, IE exploits… I’ll come in again.

I didn’t expect any kind of spyware.


Amongst our weaponry are such diverse elements as surprise, IE exploits, uncaring users and an almost fanatical devotion to an annoyance-marketing based business model. And nice bulk emailers, OH DAMN!

23 November 2014 Update: Despite xkcd not existing when I wrote this, there is the obligatory reference to this.